This could possibly explain the small negative direct path effect seen in our model as being due to ambivalence and inconsistency in one’s relationship to God. Because the interplays between spiritual intimacy, spiritual meaning, marital intimacy, and well-being are complex, it is not surprising that the path coefficients initially seem contradictory. The perception of spiritual intimacy has been positively linked to marital satisfaction through a path of emotional intimacy (Greeff & Malherbe, 2001; Hatch, James, & Schumm, 1986). Congruence in faith practices is also important in fostering marital intimacy (Vaaler, Ellison, & Powers, 2009), as is praying for one’s spouse (Fincham, Beach, Lambert, Stillman, & Braithwaite, 2008). Spirituality isn't just about religious belief—it's about connecting with something outside of yourself that brings meaning and connection to your life. This can involve following an established religious tradition, but it can also focus on spiritual practices like breathwork, service to others, and spending time in nature.

Now that a specific sign has caught your attention, it’s time to bridge the gap between the material and supernatural world by making the connection. Pelinku advises paying attention to what you were thinking about or doing when the synchronicity presented. For Duncan, synchronicities have come in a form many of us can relate to. "I often have experiences where I’m thinking of a particular person and then that day or within a day I hear from them or run into them," Duncan explains. You might be reminded of a childhood memory and wonder what your friend group from that era is doing—then receive a message from them on IG. But the fairy tale sees a great deal more also than the daylight consciousness.
All natural diamonds are believed to be 1-3.5 billion years old, and were formed deep beneath the earth's surface under conditions of great heat and pressure. Eventually, the stones were carried to the surface through magma movements and volcanic eruptions, and today diamonds can be mined in many places around the world. While the very first diamonds were discovered in India, mines today can be found in Australia, Canada, Japan, Russia, Brazil and the United States.
As you can see, a symbol as ubiquitous and ancient as a star has no one fixed spiritual meaning. The symbol has inspired virtually every culture and religion on earth, as every person has been able to look into the night sky and see the same thing. However, the roots of the star as a spiritual symbol go back as far as ancient Egypt. Because it has been used in so many cultures and religions, its spiritual meaning is complex and varied.